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Play Anywhere Now or Never! (previously Play the City Now or Never! ) - a collaborative project with Helen Stratford (2015 - ) 

An ongoing collaborative project that invites participants on playful walks in a variety of urban and rural spaces deploying play as a productively disruptive force. 'Like projects and actions by the Dadaists, the SI and many performance artists, [the project] aims to ‘unplay the dominant systems of control’ and to re-inscribe power structures. In so doing, they create a platform for subtle interventions, political awakening and radical acts' (Jes Fernie, Cut Your Nose Like Your Hair, published in Art and the Public Sphere Journal – Vol. 7.1). 

As part of the project an App was developed for Peterborough (2015) Southend on Sea (2016) and Cambridge (2017) and is available to download- see download links on website. 

To find out more and view update of the project visit website at

Photos: Julian Hughes. 

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