Hand Made Memory Game - A Triptych (2005-2010). Interactive installation. Also available as unlimited edition.
Three games comprising thirty six 65x65 mm photographic cards each (Aerial Bombs, Checkpoints and Refugees), Wooden plinths.
Unlimited edition of memory game where all the cards are made out of black and white photos over the years and across the globe. Each player picks up two cards at a time in order to collect as many pairs of the cards as possible.
The first game titled Hand Made Memory Game - Aerial Bombs (2005) was exhibited as part of Global Fusion exhibition (2005), Palais Portia, Vienna. Games no 2 and 3 in titled - Refugees and Checkpoints - premiered alongside Decalude at Toxic Davos, Vienna (2010). The triptych was also part of Footnotes Playing Dead Exhibition at Standpoint Gallery, London (2015) as well as One Place After Another at ArtSpace Gallery (2016) and Make No Small Plans at Creation from Catastrophe Exhibition Royal Institute of British Architects (2016).